Hi friends!
Guess where we went? The snow! What gave it away? Maybe the title hey it’s a snow day? well nevertheless my family and I took a trip up to the snow and it was real chill.. no like literally it was super cold.
So last month as the year was coming to an end we decided to take a little trip to the snow. It had been 2 years since the last time the girls had been. But we had never been all together because Dayjhan had to work last time. We had also never taken Kobe to the snow either so safe to take this trip was long overdue. We agreed to take the trip with my mother in law in tote and some snow gear we were able to borrow from my best friend Melissa. The morning of our trip we packed the gear, snacks, the kids, and the dog in the car, and up to the snow, we went.
Originally we kind of just agreed to drive towards the mountains until we found a safe spot with some snow to play in. But my mother in law had other ideas. She decided we would hit up a snow park she had took Dayjhan to when he was younger. I wasn’t very keen on driving in the snow so as soon as we spotted snow I pulled over and switched spots with her so she could drive. Before you know it we were halfway to lake Tahoe and I couldn’t believe we had driven so far up the hills. While the drive was a little nerve-wracking the scenery was absolutely beautiful. At last, we were there! Sno-Park!
Sno-Park is located right outside of Lake Tahoe and is a free family fun place to play in the snow. I mean when you can find parking that is. Lucky for us a family was pulling out as we were pulling in so we got pretty lucky. When we arrived the girls were excited to get out and jump in the snow. We got them dressed in their gear and boots definitely a team effort and then we found a fun spot for sledding. It didn’t take them long to get comfortable in the snow and it didn’t take Kobe long either. The three of them were up and down the hills, running around, sledding, throwing snow it was really cute. Did I mention it was also lightly snowing? Yep, pretty magical stuff. There were a ton of other families but the social distancing from each other was no problem with all of the space we had. The girls even attempted a snowball fight with their dad. After about an hour and a half of snow play, taking photos and exploring we were done. Cold, hungry, and ready to take a nap.
My mother in law took one for the team and drove all the way back home. It was totally a trip for the books and while I am not sure if will go back any time soon I am so excited for our next trip.
Amazing! I know nothing about traveling all over the country, what a wonderful looking place to explore.
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