Hi friends!
Yes, I’m dressed fancy to sit in the living room, it’s new year eves damn it. Why? Well, why not? it’s freaking 2020! Wow, today is December 31, 2020! If you’re reading this right now, we made it to the end of the year. This has by far been one of the craziest years ever. I am pretty sure none of us will ever forget 2020. With only a few more hours left of the year, I will look back on these last 12 months and reflect on everything that’s happened through my eyes.
For me this year in January it started off a little rocky but I kept the faith. Aria got sick, and this was not just a common cold. In fact, she was so sick she missed nearly two months of school it was scary. It wasn’t the most ideal way to start our year off, but things got better. Aria got better just in time for our family trip to Disney World and the Bahamas in February. The Disney creator event was no doubt the highlight of my year. All the memories made and the moments of seeing the girls so happy were the best. Once we got home the girls even had a joint birthday party which was an awesome way to end the month. Even though at the end of the party Ivy ended up in the ER because she had a little crook in her neck from sleeping wrong the night before. Long story short she was fine.
March rolled around and suddenly Covid19 made its mark. From the girl’s schools being shut down to parties being canceled, it was a really strange month. My heart literally goes out to all affected by Covid. I wish I could say the rest of the year wasn’t so strange but that’s not the case. April and May flew by in the blink of an eye. Being quarantined the girls learned how to ride their bikes without training wheels, I deep cleaned every room in our apartment and we spent more time together as a family.
The killing of an innocent black male forever changed the entire Black Lives Matter movement. The death of George Floyd brought everyone’s true colors out. His death was powerful, the movement had a voice bigger than ever before. I lost friends, was offered jobs because of the color of my skin, purchased protection to keep on me when I was out in public. It was a difficult time. But it taught us all to stand up for what we believe in and if George was here now I bet he’d be proud.
July rolled in and we got a puppy! Kobe Karson Carr. Named after the beautiful Kobe Bryant. In the month of June, my family also experienced some difficult personal times. I knew having Kobe would help the girls a lot through that and it did. When August came Dayjhan and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary, the kids were officially distance learning, and the holidays were creeping upon us.
September my dad celebrated his birthday and so did my godson. By October my job was exploding with collaborations so much I hired two employees. Oh yeah! boss moves right? We celebrated Halloween with a bounce house in the backyard of my mom’s instead of trick or treating. November I celebrated turning 31. December was finally here a handful of family birthdays and the best Christmas of our lives, my family and I made it to the end of the year.
2020..phew! or as my dad would say hamburger!
Overall what I took from this year was never take anything you love for granted. Always tell your loved ones you love them, always eat that piece of candy you crave, always buy that outfit you like. We are here today but there is no guarantee for the next. Do what makes you happy, stay in your own lane, and focus on you! Take care of yourself and protect your mental health. I never really knew much about mental health until this year, and boy did I neglect mine. Most importantly surround your heart with people who make you feel like sunshine. Friends, family, your cat, your dog, whoever or whatever makes your soul happy.
I won’t say 2020 was the worst year of all time because we are here healthy and kicking. But I will say 2020 defiantly was a rollercoaster and now it’s time for the next ride. Goodbye 2020, hello 2021, please be good to us.
Happy (almost) 2021 friends!
Happy New Year Niece from my family to you’re❤❤❤
Your family.My mistake