Hi friends!
Happy Sunday! Today is a very special day for me, today is my blog’s 3rd birthday! Can you believe it? My little blog is 3 years old. I knew this day was coming it’s been in my planner for months. So I ordered a number 3 balloon and took some fun photos. I told all my friends and family about my big day and I planned and planned and now the day is here. My blog is 3.
When I woke up this morning I felt good. I felt as if I had accomplished something that people told me I could not do.Ā To be honest I feel like that every day when I wake up. Because for me I believe in celebrating anything that makes you feel accomplished. Anything big or small that you’ve accomplished is a reason to celebrate. But today that feeling just felt extra special. It felt like a little bit of sparkle was sprinkled on top. It felt like a good day even though it was only 8:30 in the morning and I was sweating bullets from being under my blanket in long sleeves pajamas. So yeah a sweaty, sparkly, accomplished feel.
In these 3 years that I have been blogging, I have been able to do so many things and have had so many opportunities I may not have had if it weren’t for my blog. Some things that people take for granted like being able to take my girls to school, being able to take a random break in the middle of a workday, being able to wear my pajamas to work daily. Or more extravagant things like being able to take my family on a 7 day Disney trip, being able to create bonds with companies that feel like family, being able to actually love my job.
I feel so thankful for this blog of mine. I feel so thankful for these last 3 years. I am so very proud of my damn self, and the fact that I did not listen to others who told me to give up or quit. Today marks 3 years but I am only just getting started. I want to say thank you to my family who always supports my blog, my social pages, my life. I want to say thank you to my best friends who always are there for me. I want to say thank you to my readers, subscribers, followers because without you it would be kinda impossible to have a blog š you guys are my friends, you are my family too.
If there is one piece of advice I have for whoever is reading this and maybe I’ve written this same thing a million times before but here it is for the millionth and one time.
I can’t stress that enough. People will hate you, people will talk down on you, people will leave mean comments and bad reviews. But that will be nothing in comparison to the ones that love you. Never give up on what you love no matter what it is in life. If you want it, work hard and make that ish happen.
Thanks for reading.. here’s to year number 4.
Congratulations niece on your accomplishments. I hope you the best success on your journey. I’m so proud of you and the things you do for your family. ..continue to do you and sky is limit.ā¤ā¤ā¤ One proud Aunt