Hi friends! It’s almost Halloween only a few days left until the spookiest night of the year. If you’re like me you have been a little last minute this year with Halloween. Typically I am on top of things, but with so much uncertainty of this crazy thing, we call 2020 I have sort of been on the fence about it all.
Halloween in 2020
Not really sure how these holidays will look this year, but one thing is for sure. I plan on making them as memorable and normal as I can for the kids. This year we are skipping trick or treating and having a small family gathering so I thought it would be really fun to create a DIY Halloween platter. Filled with a ton of treats for everyone to enjoy! The platter is super simple and every item can be found at your local Target.
Sweet + Salty
For the platter, I decided that not only did I want sugary treats but I also wanted salty ones too. I like to call this my sweet and salty Halloween platter. You can add anything you want to your platter, whatever your family desires. But this is how I created mine.
How I made my Halloween platter
I started off by placing down my pretzels around both ends of the boards. Next, I added my small bowls onto the tray for my smaller treats. I placed mini Halloween cheeseballs in one cup and Charleston Chew Rollers in the other cup. Next, I popped some regular everyday popcorn and spread it in between the bowls. I then took my Mother’s Halloween Circus Animal Cookies and added them to one side and added unwrapped Tootsie Rolls to the other. Brach’s Candy Corn Pumpkins were added after and finally to fill in the blank spots I placed in Reese’s Halloween Peanut Butter Cups. Um yum!
My kids loved it so I know it will be a hit with the rest of my family on Halloween day! I hope you enjoy the platter as well and stay safe this Holiday friends!