This post is sponsored by Amazon, however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Hey friends! Halloween is approaching, and there are so many things to think about. For example, the candies, scary movies the decor, and more importantly the fun costumes! If you’re like me then saving a few bucks on a store-bought costume is at the top of your list this year. So a DIY costume it is. Of course, there are so many great DIY costumes but let’s get creative here. Let’s do something a little different. Let’s create a costume that not only looks cute but also helps us upcycle too. Let’s create an Amazon Prime boxtume!
A Boxtume?!
An Amazon Prime what? That’s right – a boxtume is a creative, low cost, simple costume made out of something most of us already have right at home, Amazon Prime boxes! Our family has about 3-4 Amazon Prime deliveries a week.. and when I say our family um I mean me haha, anyways moving right along. So creating a costume from an Amazon Prime box was an absolute no brainer. We had the boxes, we had the supplies and we had an idea!
Ivy has always loved robots. So a robot costume it was! I had everything I needed for Ivy’s costume. The only thing I had to purchase was the ducts which I will go into more detail on a little later. The great thing about creating a boxtume is that it doesn’t have to be crazy elaborate. It can be as simple and easy as 1, 2, 3! So how did I make my 6-year old into a robot? Well let’s get into it, shall we?
Step by step instructions:
Step 1: Grab your supplies!: For the robot, you will need Amazon Prime boxes, tape, glue gun, paint, spray paint, and any extra gadgets you want to add to the robot.
Step 2: Tape & cut: Once you have all your supplies tape your entire Amazon Prime box closed leaving only the bottom open. The bottom will be cut off so you can slide it over your child. Once the bottom is cut you can cut a hole in each side for the arms and the top for the head.
Step 3: Spray paint: Take your box outdoors and spray paint it. The spray paint will dry faster than regular paint. Though some people prefer to paint theirs for a more vibrant look.
Step 4: Decorate: Once the box is dry you can decorate it as you please. I added Ivy’s name to her robot and then I added some extras. I added circle wood pieces I had laying around which I painted black and super glued. I also added bottle tops which I super glued too. then I painted on a heart and some random designs to give it a little Ivy touch. This was my favorite part of the project. Getting creative, so much fun!
Step 5: Add your ducts: What robot is complete without some bling bling? I purchased aluminum duct from Amazon here for the arms. I cut it into two pieces and still had a ton leftover. I would totally suggest only buying one for a small child. I added them to her sleeves and wahoo all done! We had a robot.
We love Amazon Prime Boxtumes.
Ivy made some “be-bop-bee” robot noises as I put on her new costume. I even added some robotic touches to her space buns. She ended up naming her robot the love-bot. She said she will spread love to everything around her. Isn’t that the sweet thing? This entire costume cost me pennies and about an hour of time. More importantly, it brought me something a store-bought costume can’t buy and that’s watching her little face light up as she tried it on the costume I made for the first time. Oh, my heart.
Ā Thank you, Amazon for the coolest inspiration from using a single box. If you guys decide to create costumes be sure to use the hashtag #boxtumes and #morethanabox on social media. We’d love to see them. Oh, and don’t forget Amazon Prime boxes can be used for other cool things too like hunted boxrooms or even created into Halloween decor. Amazon Prime made this Halloween special and also made our lives a little easier. Hope you enjoyed these blog friends and Happy Halloween!