Apple Hill. A fall tradition for my little family for the last few years. In fact, this trip marks our 7th visit to Apple Hill. Would have been 8th but we actually missed last year’s trip. I’d like to say we have some awesome excuses for breaking years of traditions but we don’t other than the fact that we were just being super lazy. But this year we made it a priority to get up to the hill and have some fun. Though we were weary about Covid19, this trip would be just fine.
Apple Hill
So what is Apple Hill? Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a giant hill with many things on it such as food, fun, and of course apples (you can read bout our last trip here and see past photos here.) This year we even brought a new family member with us. Yep, our pup Kobe. This was his first road trip and also his first outing since getting all of his shots. So as you can imagine he was so excited. Apple Hill is located in Placerville CA and is a nice long drive away from us. But each year it’s totally worth it.
High Hill Ranch
We arrived at Apple Hill around 11:45 am and our first stop was High Hill Ranch to grab some sweet treats. Typically on our past trips, we do this at the end. But we decided to do things differently this year. We immediately went to our favorite little candy store and purchased candy apples, pie, suckers, and even an apple cider slushy for the first time ever! Oh my goodness let me tell you it’s what dreams are made of. Sipping on our slushy and browsing at a few items from different sellers we decided to take a break. We all sat next to the water and enjoyed one anothers company as we watched strangers go fishing. Dayjhan is a fishing fan, but wasn’t in the mood for catching any that day. We didn’t grab a bit to eat at High Hill Ranch because there were so many people, and we were attempting social distancing but we did snag an apple or so on the way back to the car.
Boa Vista
Our next spot was Boa Vista. Our first pumpkin patch of the season! The girls were so excited to choose a small pumpkin to take home. We even let them choose an extra one for their cousin too. Heck, the prices were so good I even grabbed one myself. If ya can’t beat em join em. This particular pumpkin patch is small so we didn’t spend to much time there. But what a fun time.
Pickles, apples & babies.
Lastly, we arrived at Denver Dan’s. This is an all-time favorite spot of ours and special too. Both times I been pregnant and went to Apple Hill, I always made sure to grab a giant pickle from the front register. Still to this day I love grabbing a pickle there. Oh and fun fact Ivy and Aria love the pickles there too! We spent our time picking all the apples we could carry in our buckets from the trees. Ivy isn’t too big on plain apples, but Aria loves them. A week later and we still have so many apples I am contemplating on attempting an apple pie. With our pickles and our apples in tote, we were outta there.
Apple Hill was a great time where my family got to make more memories together. Even with Covid19 the hill was such a blast. If you and your family do decide to head up there remember that mask are required inside of stores, social distancing inside is also inforced. Plus of course doing things like washing your hands, using sanitizer, and practicing all the safety measures you can is recommended.
Well friends I hope you part take in some fun fall traditions old or new and I hope you have a wonderful time. Happy fall yall.