“This post is sponsored by; Fairytale Town however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.”
Hi friends! did you know that over the river, and across from the zoo there is a land not so far away nestled in Sacramento, CA too? A land filled with magic where children go to play. Where families come to greet one another to have a fun-filled day. A land where fairytales come alive, imaginations run wild, and you might even see a few fireflies. In this land, tiny giggles fill the air, theatrical plays, animals, lions, tigers, bears. Okay, okay so maybe that last part is a bit of an exaggeration. But this land is called Fairytale Town and it’s a place of celebration. So I guess the only thing now is to keep you in the know and let you in on the secret it’s frisbee/soccer golf night grab your fam and let’s go!
Fairytale Town! Sacramento’s beloved outdoor play park and children museum are officially introducing it’s frisbee/soccer golf night! What on earth is that? You may think. I know because I thought the same thing too. Frisbee? soccer? golf? Frisbee? soccer? golf?
So what is Frisbee/Soccer?
Well, Fairytale Town’s Family Frisbee Golf or Soccer Golf night is brand new! It’s a creative new activity in the park to keep families having fun while still practicing social distancing. Your family will choose to play either frisbee golf or soccer golf. Once you pick which one you’d like to do you will then be able to choose between two fun 9 hole courses. There is also a map in case you need help to follow the course. Each course will take you and your family on a journey through Fairytale Town so as you play you can also enjoy all of the storybook scenery.
So how does the Fairytale Town for Frisbee/Soccer Golf game work?
The game is super simple. Your family will receive a scorecard to keep track of your score, because hello bragging rights. Depending on which you choose, you will throw your frisbee or kick your soccer ball from one cone to another in it’s designated area. Rather you are kicking your soccer ball pass pirate’s cove or flinging your frisbee pass The Old Woman In The Shoe your entire family is guaranteed to have a night to remember!
Our Fairytale Town for Frisbee Golf or Soccer Golf night/review
Yesterday the girls and I headed to Fairytale Town for Frisbee Golf or Soccer Golf night. While the heat was blazing that did not stop us from having a good time. Unfortunately, Dayjhan fell sick the night before and wasn’t able to come with us so we did what do best A GIRLS DAY! Let me tell you it was a fun time.
We decided that we wanted to do both frisbee and golf because why not right? We choose course 2 but somehow ended up kinda doing both. You know what I ain’t mad about it haha. The girls had a really fun time competing with one another to hit the designated areas with the soccer ball. While I was more laid back with my frisbee. We ended up at Owl’s Tree House for a good 30 minutes towards the end because who doesn’t love sliding down the slide a million times, ah to be little kids. We also wandered through the Crooked Mile more times than I can count. When we were done with our game we spent a few minutes cooling off under the water spritzers.
We then finished our night with a ton of treats like snow cones and nachos over at Dish & Spoon Café. All in all, it was a great evening! Did I mention I love how Fairytale Town is taking all the right precautions to keep everyone safe? Like the adorable hand sanitizer stations conveniently throughout the park.
Family Frisbee Golf or Soccer Golf nights kicked off only a few short days ago September 5 and will be running for three weekends from 5-7 pm. So make your reservations while they last! Non-members $15 per player and members free entry with (discount code required). Also, it’s important to remember per Fairytale Town’s site below: