Thank you Lexington Law Firm for sponsoring this post. A high service partner and consumer advocate that will help you fight for the credit you deserve!
Hey friends!
Let me ask you a question if I may. What is one of your biggest goals in life? We all have goals right? Some big, and some small but no matter what a goal is a goal. Did you know for many most goals include having a good credit score? Take my goals, for example. One of my biggest goals is buying a home. I’ve always dreamt of the day I could take my Pinterest dream home board and turn it into a reality. Today I will talk to you guys more about that goal plus let you in on a little secret I’d like to call Lexington Law Firm.
Lexington Law Firm is a reputable credit repair company that has helped people all over repair their credit. They do so by going to bat for you, contacting creditors’ to see if they can get inaccurate negative items removed from your credit report. So yeah, basically they are like the superhero who gets the bad guy. While a late payment or negative mark from a creditor might seem like no big deal, it can have long-standing consequences. Sometimes it could even hang around your report and bring down your score for seven years! Scary right? So it’s no wonder that each year many Americans are denied loans due to these negative marks. These loans may even go hand in hand with those goals we were talking about earlier. Improving one’s credit score takes time, though it can be done. Everyone has the right to good credit. Lexington Law Firm is on their side to help them achieve those goals.
Remember that goal of mine about buying a home? Well, I recently came to the conclusion that I am ready. After many years of savings, planning, and prepping I finally decided I’m ready to take the leap. But before I did that, I wanted to make sure my credit report was looking just right when presented to lenders. So I did my research on Lexington Law Firm, and before I knew it, the professionals met with me over the phone and we were chatting it up. Chatting all about my goal, my report, and those next steps to becoming that homeowner I dream of. I knew Lexington Law Firm was the right company for me because they believe that I, as a consumer, have a right to an honest, precise, and validated credit report. When I learned Lexington Law Firm navigates through your credit report and uses every ounce of knowledge they have to fight for your rights, I was truly impressed.
So does it get expensive to cover all of this? Absolutely not. One of the best things about them is that they offer different packages to tailor to every customer’s need. They even have an app that gives you access to some of the best service. I would know because I totally have the app on my phone. The app even gives you updates in real-time. Which is awesome for a person like me who loves knowing the most updated information.
Just two weeks ago I started my journey with Lexington Law Firm and I am so excited about what’s to come. As a 30-year-old who made a bunch of mistakes in my early 20’s, my credit can sometimes be my worst enemy instead of my best friend. My mother always used to tell me growing up that “your credit is your best friend.” Now I am ready to repair my relationship with my best friend and purchase my dream home.
When you work with Lexington Law Firm you are working with credit consultants who have the knowledge of consumer protection laws and know how to use them. You are working with experienced credit repair consultants who will fight for you and care about you. I am so excited for these next few months with Lexington Law Firm and I will keep you guys updated on the entire process, and stay tuned for an opportunity to start your own credit journey!
If you want to learn more about Lexington Law Firm or how to get started click here.