Hi friends!
As most of you guys know Ivy played her first season of soccer last fall. It was a crazy experience for us as a family because Ivy nor Aria had ever been involved in any type of outdoor sport. Ever since Ivy was a baby she had only did ballet somewhere in between ballet she had a very short stint in gymnastics. But other than that ballet was her only activity. During the month’s Ivy played soccer I loved watching all the changes in her. This once shy little girl was now this stand out kick-ass soccer player overnight and it was just really cool to watch it all unfold. Ivy has always been a shy kid by nature. But when she started playing soccer I noticed something different. I noticed her speaking and playing with other kids, I noticed her letting her guard down more on and outside of the field and I noticed her becoming outspoken and so much more.
Today I’m giving you 5 reasons why I think kids should play sports.
1. Building self-confidence: Ivy was actually really good at soccer for her first time. She was scoring goals, keeping up with the bigger toddlers, getting cheered on, and praised by other parents it was amazing. I know during the time she played soccer Ivy’s confidence in herself really soared. Even at a young age that it’s really important to teach self-confidence.
2. New friends: Playing a sport even as a kid you have to practice. So not only were these little ones having games once a week they were also practicing twice a week too. Though I’ll admit we probably missed more practices than we attended Ivy spent a lot of time with these other kids on her team. Friendships were formed, pinky promises were made, and bonds were created for life. Making new friends as a toddler is such a fun time.
3. Learning teamwork: Even though Ivy has a sibling teamwork doesn’t always come easy. Being on a team with 8 other kids teamwork was inevitable. Depending on one another on the field was big like learning how to pass the ball, being each other’s defense, being partners during practices on coordinating drills it all boils down to one thing teamwork! Ever since soccer ended when I ask Ivy and Aria to do something as a team they always chant “teamwork makes the dream work“.
4. Great exercise: Being a kid screentime is something that they love. I love that playing a sport gets them out of the house and gets them moving. Little kids have a bunch of energy by nature anyway so to them they have no idea that while they are playing a sport they are also exercising their bodies.
5. The memories: Besides the fact that they are building self-confidence, making new friends, learning how to be a team, exercising and of course having fun being able to say “hey I played soccer as a kid“, having those videos and photos to look back on later in life for them is a great memory. I don’t know about you but I still remember certain events from when I was 5 years old. Like the time I was in my school play. Ha, I was a house and it was a great memory when I think about it today. I am so happy that Ivy will be able to have this as a memory plus a pretty cool trophy with her name on it too doesn’t hurt.
So friends before your child decides on an activity be sure to consider a sport.
The possibilities could be endless 🙂