Hi friends!
Are your little ones a fan of pancakes? I know mine are they would literally eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I let them. I am always trying to find a creative way to make them fun by adding things such as fruit or sprinkles to the pancake batter. Well, recently a friend of mine told me about something super fun called pancake cereal.

Pancake cereal is self-explanatory really because well it’s basically a ton of micro-mini pancakes that fill up a bowl just like cereal minus the milk (unless that’s what you’re into) and adding the syrup. So how do you make these tiny treats? Very simple.

You will need everything you’d use to make regular sized pancakes.
Pancake batter: We always use Krusteaz’s because we like the bulk zip lock bag option.
Water: Another reason we love Krusteaz’s because all you do is just add water.
Butter: For the pan.
Spoon: To create those micro mini pancakes.

So preheat your pan and while heating add 1cup batter and 2/3cups cold water into mixing bowl. I said this before in a previous blog post I believe. But I do not have an electric mixer so I mix by hand with a wooden Kitchen Aid spoon. Once done mixing your pan should be warm enough for you to add 1/2tsp of butter to it. Take your pan and tilt side to side allowing the butter to evenly melt around all sides. Once you’re done take your spoon and scoop small scoops of batter and drop them into the pan. Continue until batter is gone or until you have your desired amount of pancake cereal. Then congrats! you’re all done! Add syrup and enjoy.

Though a bit time consuming these tiny cereal bites are so worth it and so yummy. Plus the kids thought they were really cool and were impressed by my awesome cereal making skills. But all jokes aside pancake cereal are so much fun and I hope if you make them you enjoy them as much as we did!