Hi friends!
Notice anything new? Yes! that’s right PorshaCarrBlog.com is all new! Come in! take a look around, make yourself comfortable I think you’ll like what you see.
Back in 2019, I started the process of making the switch over to a new website for many reasons. One, I wanted to reach more people in different places and walks of life. Two I wanted to branch out and I was limited to the amount of personalization I could do with my last hosting site. Lastly three I had outgrown my little space and it was time to make some changes. I spoke with many people when I made the decision to move my site. I spoke with family, friends, fellow bloggers, and many hosting professionals. Making the decision to move an entire site with hundreds of blog posts was not easy. It also was not very fun. There is not only a ton BIG behind the scene choices you have to make, but you also have to think about the who, what, when, where, and hows. It took me months and months. One day I wanted to move, the next day I was too comfortable and wanted to stay. One day I wanted to expand, the next day I talked myself into how expanding wasn’t for me. I fought myself for what felt like a lifetime before I finally decided “I will take this leap“.
Thanks to Michael and his entire team at Newbloghosting.com My new blog is finally everything I have worked hard for over the last few years and months. I am so happy how it came out and all the hard work was totally worth it. I still have a few kinks here and there I need to take time to fix but we will be alright. Michael thank you for putting up with my one and a million demands! we did it..well mostly you haha. You are a rock star!
With this new site, I hope to bring you guys new content like more recipes, tips, raw life posts and so much more. I am so incredibly happy to continue to share this journey with you all. To my old readers thank you for sticking with me, to my new readers I welcome you with open arms.
This is going to be one hell of a “Carr” ride!