No, not my mom. You! You the mom reading this. Yes, mom, I’m talking to you. I know you are tired. I know you are fed up. I know you are two dirty diapers away from going on a mom strike. I feel your pain hun. As moms, we wake up before the kids just to get an ounce of alone time or hell to drink our coffee warm for once. If you’re like me you probably drag tired kids out of bed forcing them to brush their teeth, get them dressed, attempting to explain to them why they can’t wear their Halloween cowgirl boots or Frozen dress to school every day. Yes, mornings are hard… but wait you ain’t even out the door yet. Finally, you’re at school and the drop off lines absolutely suck. Half the parents suck and you have to make sure not to run over any parent walking in front of your car. The ones who don’t pay attention because they’re too busy checking their Facebook like the morning paper. The rest of the day is a blur you’re either at home with your other kids or you’re at work with co-workers you probably don’t like, but let’s be honest here it’s a break from your kids so you don’t complain. Schools out, work’s over now their’s homework, projects, bath time, siblings fights to break up, dinner, lunches to be made, house to be cleaned, bedtime and once it’s all done you’re the last one in your home to go to sleep. Ah, at last, a break. Until you realize “oh sh* I get to do it all over again tomorrow.” Girlfriend.. you need a date!
Not a date with your husband, not a date with your girlfriends. Not one of those cute little ice cream date with your kid where you snap a few photos and throw it up on Instagram either.
You need a date with YOURSELF!
You need a date with YOURSELF!
See as a mom it’s natural for us to put ourselves last. It’s just in our soul to make sure everything and everyone around us is good. But the not so good part about that is that we put ourselves on the back burner in the process. That is why it is so important to date yourself. Alone time! me, myself and I time. Mom’s need this. Recently, this year actually I started to carve out time for me. Typically my time is when the kids fall asleep. I will catch up on an episode of YOU on Netflix or I will catch up on whatever book I’m reading. Maybe one or two chapters. Another thing I started doing for myself was waking up early to meditate and going to exercise after I drop the kids off at school. Both of those things together started to create a happier me, a better mom and an overall better person. Lastly, I started dating myself. Yep rather it is going to get an iced coffee and sitting in the car just to think in quite, or talking a walk talking to myself about my day I started dating me. It may seem a little odd at first buying things for yourself, doing things alone, talking to yourself but it makes a world of difference. Every since I strted dating myself I have became such a healthier person. Pysically, emotionally, mentally. Yes there will be days where dating yourself is impossible becuse you have a to do list a mile long. But just like any relationship you make time for that date.
I may have convinced some of you to start dating yourslef and some of you might be rolling your eyes to the back of your head like she’s insane. I’m to busy, I don’t have, I’ll date my husband. While all of thlose things are fine I just want you to ask yourself when is the last time you did something for you? If you have to think about that, or if it’s been to long then you defentially need a date. If you say today with no hestation then this blog isnt for you and that’s fine too. But remember a little time to yourself here and there is a beautfiul thing girlfriend.