4 years old.
Today my baby girl is 4. I remember the day she was born like it just happened. I woke up thinking it was a day like any other day especially since her due date was actually around January 23, 2016. I went about my day as I always did. But I totally should have seen this coming because the night before January 5 I was having the worst contractions ever. I remember Dayjhan rubbing my back and helpless watching over me as I cried. The next day my water would break grocery shopping, I would send my best friend the most embarrassing-funny photo ever which look like I had peed myself, Dayjhan and I would stop for Jack In The Box for tacos before heading to the hospital and a few short hours later Aria would be born. Fast-forward four years later and here we are.
Aria you are my last baby and my baby girl. You were such an amazing baby no other baby after you could top that. Hence the whole last baby thing. From the minute you were born you slept through the night, you were always so curious and quite and you were the missing puzzle piece to our little family. Though all of those things are in the past they are still presently true. The only thing that has changed is that you are my not so little baby now. You are such a sweet caring girl. At age 4 you have more compassion in your tiny little body then half the adults I know. You are beautiful, you are unique, you are amazing, you are kind. Each day you say something new to make me think to myself “wow” and I look forward to our little talks after school on the way home. Even though most of the time they consist of you bargaining for a cake pop from Starbucks. Man oh man do you love your cake pops. But enough teary typing eyed rambling. I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much Ari and whether you are 4 or 40 you will always be my little baby.
Today we celebrate you. All that you are, all that you’re becoming, all you will be. God has great plans for you, my little love. You will do big things someday. Besides… I didn’t name you Aria (the Skye’s the limit) Carr for nothing right?
Happy Birthday my sweet girl
love, forever mommy
Awww Happy Brithday Aria!!