Hey friends
Most of our kids have started back to school by now and most of our schedules are intact. We are starting to get into the swing of things again after the summer which also means our nighttime schedules are starting to become routine again as well. That means dinner, bath, pajamas, homework and of course a good bedtime story. What are my kids reading or wanting me to read for bedtime? Well, we have a couple of favorites and I am going to introduce you to a few of them.
Dragons love Tacos: I first heard of this book when my favorite blogger Naomi Davis posted it to her blog a few years ago, I immediately bought the book off Amazon when my girls were small babies, now as toddlers, they are addicted to it. It’s a book about what else? dragons and tacos.
check it out here.
check it out here.
Nana’s house: This book is a story about a grandmother and her grandchild and all the fun things they do throughout the day to get ready for bed at night. The pictures are super cute and the girls love it.
(unfortunately, I cannot find a link for this anywhere online. But there are a ton of other books about grandmothers on Amazon as well.)
What Should Danny Do: This book was gifted to us by? and while it is a longer book lengthwise then I would normally read to the girls because their attention spans are so short they actually really, really love this book and they always ask to read it. Plus it has super good illustrations and also it teaches a life lesson.
Check it out here.
Doctor De Soto: This book was actually sent home by Ivy’s teacher and it is so fun! In the book, a little mouse who is also a dentist does his best to take care of a fox with a sore tooth, but the hungry fox has other plans. The book also teaches a good life lesson on doing the right thing and it’s great for kids.
Check it out here.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: This book has been around for ages and my kids love it. We all know what happens when too many alphabets climb up one tree. But if you don’t I would definitely recommend this as a funny bedtime story.
Check it out here.
Well, friends there you have it some super fun books for you to read during the school week with your little ones. Starting back to school can create so many emotions for little ones but as long as they have a fun bedtime story to look forward to at the end of the day, I think it makes school time a little less stressful.
So tell me what are some of your little ones favorite bedtime stories I would love to hear your suggestions?