Happy Thanksgiving.
Each year I sit here and I write a blog about what I am thankful for and why. This year is no different. As I lay here in bed with my laptop and a warm heater by my side. My kids in the background destroying our home by playing tag, my husband watching Disney Plus so loud you can hear it from a mile away I am incredibly thankful. Thankful for the chaos that is my life. I wouldn’t change a thing at this moment.. except for my annoyingly loud neighbors but that’s another story for another day, right? Today is Thanksgiving. Today we give thanks.
This year has been good to me, I must admit. I have felt blessed in every aspect of the word. I honestly say I have these random moments during the day sometimes where I actually stop and say to myself “I am blessed“.
This year I quit my toxic 9-5 and chased my wildest dreams. While the journey has been one hell of a ride I can tell you that the opportunities have been so endless. My little family and I got our own place, we’ve been able to take multiple vacations and have been able to grow together during it all. Our road has not been perfect but it’s ours and I am thankful for it.
This month of November, in particular, has been the best month ever for me! I appeared on my local news, took a trip to LA, turned 30 years old, booked my biggest collaboration ever and the month isn’t even over yet.
I could sit here all day and name every little thing I am thankful for but the post would never end. Instead, I will say this.. I am thankful for my family, my true friends, my blog, every breath from my lungs, the ability to wake up every day and do what I love. I am thankful. Grateful, humble and forever never forgetting to say thank you. Take a minute to realize why you are thankful today and every day. Say thank you for everything, enjoy your holiday and go eat good food.
Happy Thanksgiving my friends.