Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Porsha Carr Blog…
happy birthday to you! Hi friends! it’s my blog’s birthday today! My sweet little baby is finally 2 years old and wow has this been a roller coaster ride of another year.
I will be honest with you guys I have been so busy lately with collaborations, my family, life that I almost forgot it was blog’s birthday. I mean I knew it was coming up but I had no idea it was this close. This second year of blogging has flown by and in the blink of an eye here we are. I always say “I never thought I could make it this far.” But deep down inside I knew somewhere that I had it in me. Often times people will ask me for advice on blogging, collaborations, photo tips, etc. I think the biggest piece of advice I could ever give anyone is- don’t quit, be your number one fan, always believe in you and always stay humble. Because at the end of the day your success will depend on you. Not only in blogging but in life. It won’t happen overnight but if you are willing to work hard for it it can happen. For me, though I feel good about where I am I have goals to do it even bigger and better than I did it before, god willing I can and I will.
Finally, thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, thank you for leaving me comments, thank you for subscribing to my blog, thank you for entering my giveaways, thank you for trusting me enough to ask me questions or confiding in me and venting about your blog, your Instagram, your life. Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support you have poured into my blog for the last 2 years. I cannot thank you enough. I feel so honored and so grateful to have such wonderful supporters. I love you guys.