Hi friends!
Raise your hand if you are like me and have a lovely thing I’d like to call a toddler at home? Also by show of hands does your toddler happen to like books? Lastly, raise your other hand if your toddler likes to learn new things? Well if you raised your hands to all of these questions, then two things. One.. well you have many hands my friend, and two we have toddlers that are just alike. Well lucky you since your toddler is just like mine then they will definitely love a little learn book by the name of Colors with Little Fish.
Colors with Little Fish is a fun-loving colorful book for toddlers ages 0-3 years old. Written by Lucy Cousins the creator of books like Splish, Splash, Ducky, and Hooray for Birds it’s No Wonder, Colors with Little Fish is one amazing book. Colors with Little Fish also comes from independent publishing named Candlewick Press. Who’s award-winning authors have also brought you many other children’s books to enjoy with your little ones.
Recently my 3-year-old Aria just started preschool and has been doing a lot of what she loves to do which is learning and reading. Though Aria is only 3, and, cannot read on her own she loves storytime, and if the story just so happens to be about learning it is utterly a bonus for her. In preschool, Aria has been doing a lot of learning about colors. When we came across the book Colors With Little Fish I knew this was the perfect opportunity to grow her interest in colors. Guess what? I was right! Aria not only loved when I read the book to her but also loved its fun colorful nature. So today, I am so happy to share with you 5 reasons to choose Colors with Little Fish for your toddler.
1. The colors: From bright corals to sunshine yellows, baby blues and every other color you can think of this book is a giant rainbow. Aria absolutely adored learning her colors and pointing them out as she read.
2. The rhymes: Personally I like books that rhyme for toddlers. I feel like they not only capture their attention but they keep it there as well. Rhyming can be fun and creates lots of giggles.
3. Teaches numbers: Not only does this book teach colors but numbers as well. I won’t give away too much but I can say that each page gives your little one a chance to count.
4. It’s hardcover: I don’t know about you but my toddler isn’t always the gentlest with her books. That is why this book is so neat because it is hard covered and not easy to bend, tear or draw in.
5. Simply fun: Colors with Little Fish is not a long book, which is great for short attention spans in toddlers, it’s only a few pages long, straight to the point and is just simply so fun.
So friends be sure to take my word for it and pick up your copy of Colors with Little Fish by Candlewick Press publishing today and come back and tell me how you like it?
Compensation was provided by Candlewick Press. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Candlewick Press.