Hello friends!
My name is Alisa Smith from Youtube’s Smith & Smithette TV, and I am so happy to share our DIY costume with you today! If you are a millennial mom like me, I’m guessing your favorite store is TARGET! When you think about it, what is cuter than a mini Target employee? NOTHING! When given the opportunity to be featured on Porsha’s blog, I was so excited and ready. So, when I was thinking of a costume, I wanted it to be super easy and affordable. And then it just came to me: Target Employee!
My favorite store (some would say I have an addiction, but that’s debatable lol). Target is now my daughter’s favorite store, and she was so excited to “work at Target!” This costume is so simple and affordable, and like me, you might have all of the materials at home.
– red polo or plain red shirt – beige pants
– black belt (optional)
– shoes
– name tag
The red polo and pants actually belong to my youngest son, from his school uniform he wore last year. You can purchase any red shirt or polo at Walmart or Target for $5, in addition to the pants. The black belt we had on hand, but it is optional. Your child can also wear any black shoes.
For the name tag, you can write it out by hand, on a piece of paper, and apply a piece of tape to it. Or you can use the large sticky labels from The Dollar Tree and cut it out in the shape of an oval; then you are done. But if you are not an artist, and extra like I am, you can download the app Phonto, find the Target logo on google, upload it to the app, add your child’s name above, send it to your email and print it out. I, then, printed the image out, glued it to the large Dollar Tree sticky label, and cut it out oval-shaped. This costume shouldn’t cost you more than $15.
This costume was such a fun one to make because it was unique and fitting since we really love Target! As you can tell, Zoë had a blast “working at Target,” the employees loved it so much that the store manager almost hired her on the spot. I can’t wait to see your little ones’ Target costumes. I hope you enjoy! 🙂