Recently I have decided to take my blogging to the next level. This means branching out of my comfort zone to do new things like taking on affiliate marketing, more guest post, learning about SEO, how to manage my blog correctly and so forth. So when I learned most of that starts with Pinterest I knew it was time I got serious about my Pinterest account.
My Pinterest account was just like anybody else’s. Really random things I liked. Such as kids crafts, food recipes, and the awesome DIY projects I’ll never be able to recreate. I thought my Pinterest was fine until I checked out my unique monthly views and realized I was doing it all wrong. Thanks to some helpful tips from blog expert Dana Nicole. I was able to get my Pinterest views up from 29k views to 131k views in only 9 days without tailwind! here’s what I did.
1. I fixed my boards: My boards all had a theme to them like baby shower, foods, clothes, etc. But again it was wrong. I learned that while having a theme to your board is great having a specific theme is even better! So I changed baby shower to “woodland themed baby shower” changed foods to “dinner ideas and changed clothes to “mom styles”. Once I had a bunch of specific boards it was a lot easier to pin a lot more specific stuff. I also added at least 100 pins to each board. Gives it lots of variety and makes it look and feel full.
2. I edited my board descriptions: I never thought this was important. But in fact, this is super important. When your boards have descriptions it makes it easier for people to find them. For example, I had a board called “makeup” and for the description, it said, “makeup stuff”. Well nobody was finding me with such a bland description. Now my makeup board reads:
“This board contains all thing and make up such as products, tutorial , tips, festival, neutral, Lex, ideas, prom, formal, eyeshadow, hacks, for beginners, wedding, organization, beauties, for teens, or brown eyes, every day, Halloween, brushes, YouTube & so much more.”
This description is full of detail and that way when people look up the specific items my board will be more like to pop up.
3. I made new boards: I created a ton of new boards with more up to date and in styled things I enjoy such as LOL Surprise dolls, keto diets, etc things that again are really in style now that I have an interest in too. I would make 2-3 new boards daily. I would also go to the trending pins once a day below the search box and see what was trending from there I would pick a topic that interests me and create a board off it. It’s also good to create boards around upcoming events to such holidays.
So there you guys have it once I did this I began to see my views rocket daily and my followers go up a bit too. I even gained a few new subscribers to my blog. Although I’m not entirely sure if they came from Pinterest. It is a lot of hard work and people ask me if I plan on using tailwind. I do… I think! After I recently signed up for an account and was taught all the ropes by my blogging mama friend Karen. I’m really proud I was able to pull up my views solely by myself but if I wanna go higher and higher I’ll need a little help from Tailwind. Hopefully, in a few months, I can be back with a follow-up to this post and let you guys know how my Tailwind experience has changed my Pinterest as well if I end up using it. But for now and for those who aren’t using Tailwind please feel free to use this 3 tips above and happy pinning!