(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own.
This is a sponsored post by Kaia Fit.)
Disclaimer: This post was written back in May. Life got ahead of me and I never got to post it until now. I apologize.
Disclaimer: This post was written back in May. Life got ahead of me and I never got to post it until now. I apologize.
Hi friends!
Guess what?! I have officially been at Kaia Fit for one month! Ask me how I feel I dare you to!
A M A Z I N G ! ! ! !
When I first started Kaia Fit I was really nervous. Nervous about making friends, doing the exercises correctly, giving up. But here we are a month in a half in actually and I am doing it girl. So like I promised in my first Kaia post I will be bringing you guys monthly updates. The questions below should cover everything for the month, although if you have any other questions and what not feel free to leave me a comment or dm me on Instagram. Or if you wanna get started on Kaia in your city let me know!
-How long have you been at Kaia Fit?: Officially 1 month & some change.
-How much do you weigh?: I haven’t weighed myself this month, to be honest.
-Has your diet changed?: I can say I am eating less junk, but still eating the junk. #babysteps.
-Has your mood changed?: Yes, I have way more energy exercising daily now.
-How long can you plank now?: A good 30 seconds hey girl hey! If you have been reading my Kaia post you would know I use to not be able to plank for more than 15 seconds.
-What’s your favorite exercise?: Hmm, probably side lunge.
-What is your favorite class?: Right now most definitely a tye between TRX & barre.
-Coach who’s currently kicking your butt?: No doubt, coach Traci W!
-How many classes did you take this month?: A little over 15 the first month.
-What will you do differently next month?: I will allow my body to have breaks and learn to not burn myself out. and drink more water!
So, friends, I hope you all enjoyed my update and can’t wait to update you again in another month or so-ish 🙂