Baby Relax helped me bring this blog post of mine to life. I had a vision of my girls enjoying drawing on a kid-sized table and Baby Relax brought my vision to life. Baby Relax is a versatile home furniture company that has something for every little one. In my case, the girl’s table. The 3 piece Baby Relax Hunter Kiddy Table is the perfect size for little ones. the set includes one table and 2 chairs and comes in either white or gray. Made with what I like to call toddler sturdy wood the table features a low border around the top that keeps things like crayons and markers off the floor. Complete with a white finish the table dimensions are as followed 25.25” L x 19.12” W x 17.87” H. The girls loved having their own table their size that they could easily use for their art which brings me to our benefits.
3 important benefits of coloring for kids (featuring Baby Relax).
(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own.)
(This is a sponsored post from Baby Relax.)
Hi friends!
When I was younger I can remember coloring. I colored everything self-portrait stick figures of my family, rainbows, and unicorns, smiley faces I colored it all. I may not have been the best at coloring but it helped me in more ways than I even realized back then. So today with the help of my friends over at Baby Relax I give you 3 important benefits of coloring for kids.
1. Allows them to express themselves: When I was younger coloring I had no clue I was expressing myself. Letting my imagination out on the paper. Rather I was sad and coloring a cloudy day, or mad and coloring a monster. Creating whatever I wanted on that paper allowed me to freely get my emotions out without having to say a word. I see a lot of that in my girls. They will typically color what they are feeling. It also helps me as a parent figure out what’s going on in her little mind.
2. Increased skills: Coloring can be work and little ones don’t even realize it. Moving their hands and fingers concentring on their artwork can help them to develop or fine-tune their motor skills. It even helps a ton with their hand-eye coordination.
3. Builds Confidence: This is huge for me especially having girls. I want them to have all the confidence in the world. So when they color something they are proud of I am right there as their number one cheerleader. When little ones color something and finish they feel a sense of confidence knowing they did that. I love that.
So the next time your little one wants to color let her/him! Encourage not only color but draw, paint, use molding clay, stencils, coloring books, print outs any type of craft they can work on to benefit them is great and in the long run mom/dad maybe they’ll be a famous artist one day and thank you on the stage in an acceptance speech. Until then see you guys later I have an art date with two tiny artists and our Baby Relax table!
Thank you to Baby Relax for the girl’s table!