(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own.)
(This is a sponsored post from Similasan®.)
Hi friends!
Wanna know what’s fun? Springtime! Wanna know what’s not so fun? Um, allergies. If your eyes are watery and your sinuses are all stuffed up how can you possibly enjoy the beautiful spring weather? Being stuck inside the house when the sun I shining is no fun. But don’t fret because I am here to help. So throw that box of tissues away, grab that cute outfit you’ve been dying to wear outdoors outta the closet and say hello spring! goodbye allergies with Similasan®.
Similasan® is a brand that helps you temporary kick those allergic symptoms to the curve so you can get up, get out and start enjoying the things you deserve. I was chosen to review Similasan® Allergy Eye Relief™eye drops. Though I also received some other fun goodies too like Similasan® Nasal Allergy Relief, Allergy Sinus Relief tablets, Pink Eye Relief, and Earache Relief. So although I am only talking about the eye drops today just beware that they make so many more helpful products as well.
Many family members of mine including myself lately have eyes that tend to get watery and itchy around this time of year so upon trying the drops it was no exception. My eyes were very irritated, red and burning. Once dropping a few drops into each eye I noticed relief right away. The drops helped to simulate the body and its natural defenses to relieve those symptoms. Now I don’t leave the house without the drops. I love seeing cleary 🙂
The Similasan® Allergy Eye Relief™eye drops have no harsh chemicals and are both gluten and dairy free. One of the best things is that one of the active ingredients is purified water which is something I, of course, recognized right off the bat so that was nice. The drops were super easy to use and very easy to tote. If you suffer from allergies I would recommend this to you any day.
Thank you Similasan® for the allergic relief! If you guys would like to try Similasan® click here for a fun coupon! Hope your springtime is a clear time!