I received this product. However, all opinions are my own. This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of DiaResQ®.
Hi friends!
You’re just in time to sing with us 99 bottles of milk on the wall (yes milk because hey we have kids in the car) 99 bottles of milk you take one down and pass it around 98 bottles of milk on the wall.
You know the one you’ve been planning and saving for, forever! You’ve got your coffee, you’re
having the best hair day of your life, you remembered to pack everything, the kids are well
behaved, your hubby isn’t telling dad jokes. Basically, it’s the perfect day and nothing can go
wrong. That is until your little one stops somewhere around 68 bottles of milk on the wall to let
What could ruin the perfect family trip more than toddler diarrhea? When you’re traveling on
the road, diarrhea can strike anywhere and anytime. It sneaks up on you and you don’t have any
time to think about what to do. Diarrhea is awful for everyone, but especially a child. So, what
do you do when diarrhea hits your little one while traveling? Don’t panic, just grab a bottle
DiaResQ is an effective and fast solution when diarrhea strikes. It was made for all types of
diarrhea-related relief. Not only for travel but for everyday needs as well. Because having a
dependable brand at a moment like that is a must-have. Here’s a quick rundown of how
diarrhea works, no pun intended on the run down part 🙂 So diarrhea is the way a body gets rid
of all the unwanted or the non-familiar microorganisms. How? Well, it does this by pretty
much emptying all the waste inside of the body. So, I guess you can say it’s the body’s way of
taking out the trash. While there are so many other products on the market, most work
gut’s movement. This isn’t very good because it causes an interruption in the natural process of
diarrhea. While that only temporarily helps, it continues to keep that nasty waste in your body
DiaResQ works with the body to restore normal function fast with no side effects, because
DiaResQ knows your little one is going through a lot already. Not only does it quickly restore the
body’s normal function, but it’s made drug and antibiotic free with naturally derived ingredients
to help those tiny bodies. Oh, and the best part? DiaResQ isn’t only for children as young as 1
year old, it also works amazingly for adults as well. Who knew that something that brings so
much relief to littles could give us big adults the same kind of relief too? Safe for the entire
So, whether you are headed out on that perfect family vacation or just headed to a playdate,
P.S DiaResQ wants to give you and your family some sweet prizes with a fun sweepstakes they
have going on. See details below for more information. Don’t forget DiaResQ is available
Whether you’re jetting off on an international adventure or just traveling for business, there
are some things you should never leave home without. To help make your next trip a breeze,
DiaResQ is giving away 5 Travel Essentials kits, including an Away carry-on suitcase, a Que
collapsible water bottle, an Aeris travel pillow and eye mask and loads of other travel must-
haves! Plus, one lucky winner will win a $1,000 gift card to Southwest Airlines! The
sweepstakes are open now through May 15th and the lucky winners will be announced on
May 17th! Entry is simple – just visit DiaResQ, enter your email address, and cross your fingers. Click .
You can check out more information about DiaResQ .