Hi friends!
With Christmas coming up by now your shopping better be done! By now you should have every gift for everyone on your list. So if that’s the case you should be ready to wrap everything right? Well kinda hard to wrap up gifts with little ones in the way. So inspired by one of my favorite bloggers Jacqui Saldana of Babyboybakery I decide to try something fun I saw on her Instagram.
A little while ago on Instagram Jacqui and her precious daughter Mila posted a photo of themselves wrapping gifts with some cool gift paper (see post here). The gift paper was not something you’d find in stores. Nope. It was personalized. Brown craft paper wrap, in which Jacqui let Mila decorate with her own artwork. Not only was it super cute but also super fun. A great way to get some of your wrapping done and also allow the little ones to get involved and get creative at the same time. So I had to try this one out myself.
If you guys wanna try it out too, it’s pretty simple. All you need is brown craft paper and markers. For us, we didn’t have any brown craft paper so we actually picked up a 3 pack of brown paper boxes from the Target dollar spot. They work just as well.
So all I did was set out the boxes and let the girls get their Picasso on. The girls and their cousins all created their very own work of art for their box. It was fun watching what they created even if half of it looked like a bunch of scribbles.
It’s festive DIY projects like this that makes the holiday season so much fun. Hope you guys get to try this out and I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Happy gift wrapping!