Hi guys!
I am thankful for waking up every morning, I am thankful for the sunshine, for the almost winter cold, thankful for the car that drives me to work and the cardigan on my back that keeps me warm. I am thankful for the phone I have to listen to my favorite songs as I drive. I am thankful for all the amazing co-workers I have that make me laugh every day when I’m sad I can’t be home with my girls. I am thankful for these hands I have, this mind I have that helps me create all these blog posts. I am thankful for the clock that allows me to keep track of time so I know that I am one minute closer to getting back home to my family.
I am thankful for being able to get in my car and drive home listening to the sounds of the city. People honking, walking, restaurants cooking, people making dinner. The city is beautiful in the evening nights on the way home. The Christmas lights starting to make their appearance on all of the huge homes downtown. I am thankful I am able to see this with working eyes. These plain brown eyes I disliked when I was younger I am so thankful for them now even if I have to wear glasses that are currently lost.
I’m thankful I am able to get home safely and see my kids as they run to me to squeeze the bottom of my legs and scream “mommy!“. What would I do without my girls? The sounds of the house and my girls playing with their cousins. The loud noise while sometimes I feel like its too much to handle is actually a blessing. I get to hear my little ones grow up with their cousins, I get to hear them play and run and scream. I feel thankful. I am able to drop onto the bed next to my husband after work. I’m thankful for him and the interest he shows in my job, my blog, my deals.
I’m thankful for my mom who always brings me my mail even if it is a pair of bills. So thankful I can afford to pay them. I love you, mom. My family, sisters who cook, a brother who jokes with me, nieces who get on my nerves but make our family whole, Pablo even though he never stops barking he’s a cool tiny dog, dad I don’t get to see often but would come in as second if I called.
My friends, my beautiful friends you know who you are, my enemies I’m thankful for those people too, my readers who keep me and my blog going.
The day is long and I still have to get the girls ready for bed and set out mine and Ivy’s clothes for the next day, but I am thankful for a new adventure and what the next day will hold. Thankful for my grandmother, while she won’t be with us much longer I’m thankful for these short days she’s still here.
I am thankful for life, and all of the small things that make life, life.
If you are still reading this and come this far I am thankful for you too.
Happy Thanksgiving.