Lizzy’s World is a brand new interactive augmented reality app right in the palms of your little one’s hands. It’s from a company called Playing Forward who designs educational technology for all little ones to enjoy (read more about them here). Created by an academy award winner in the special effects this app will be sure to leave your little one’s feeling as if they made a new best friend. Lets me tell you a little bit more about who Lizzy is and what the app does.
Lizzy World is an app that follows around an adorable redhead girl name Lizzy. Lizzy is starting school and feeling all the feels as little ones are able to follow along and experience school with Lizzy. It’s her very first day, and we all know the first day can be a little bit scary but not when you have a friend by your side. Your little one will go on this journey with Lizzy as they help her meet brand new friends and learn skills like reading and math. With this app, your little ones will use 3D reality engaging them in learning without even knowing it. Lizzy’s World also has what they call a bedtime story experience. What this does is encourages little ones to move around the app, experiencing it from many different viewpoints. This also does all the reading for you, so you can sit back and enjoy the game with your little one. Super cool right?
Ivy loved this game! Being able to follow along and interact with Lizzy she felt as if she were really apart of the game. She sat on the floor and played forever. She kept referring to her as “Wizzy”. She liked watching Lizzy interact with her friends during lunchtime and she also loved helping Lizzy picking out her outfit for the day. She actually said and I quote “Lizzy is my best friend.” and she then proceeded to kiss the screen. Oh, my heart. My favorite part was the educational aspect of it all and watching her learn in a fun way.
This game is perfect for little one’s ages 4 and up.
I JUST READ (like 2 minutes ago) an article on augmented reality games and businesses. Very interesting. It looks like Ivy had a grand time!