“This post is sponsored by Degree Women but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.”
Hi guys!
We’ve all been there, we’re out in public just doing some shopping when all of a sudden our toddler decides to get wild. I am not talking about something small like wining or a little bit of pouting, oh no. I am talking full on screaming, yelling, kicking.. well you get the point. A full on toddler temper tantrum. During moments like these its easy to lose your cool, but fortunately, there’s Degree Dry Spray Deodorant. In today’s blog post I am going to give you 4 tips for keeping your cool during a toddler tantrum with Degree.
Degree is an amazing brand that creates fabulous deodorants for everyday women like you and me. Degree has been around for as long as I can remember. When I was little my own mother was even using Degree. So, of course, it’s my number 1 go to deodorant. From traditional deodorant to sprays they have it all. One of the things I love about Degree Dry Spray Deodorant is that it is Dermatologist-tested and alcohol-free. It also helps prevent white marks and yellow stains. , Oh and with the motionsense technology in Degree, it releases bursts of extra protection whenever you’re on the move. For me, I am moving a lot as a mom especially when my toddler is having a tantrum. So here are my 4 tips for keeping your cool during a toddler tantrum.
Check out our funny video above. Pretty sure Ivy deserves an Oscar for this. Huge thank you to my niece Precious for recording all the footage 🙂
1.Breath: Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Close your eyes, breath and just remember you got this.
2. Don’t yell: While a toddler is going nuts in public or even at home, the last thing you want to do is make it worse by yelling right?
3. Don’t take it personally: Toddlers are strange little human beings. If they get upset or mad at you don’t take it personally. You’re still a great mom and you’re doing the best you can.
4. Grab your Degree Dry Spray Deodorant: Your toddler is already a screaming sweaty hot mess while throwing a tantrum. Doesn’t mean you have to be too. With degree keeping your cool is easier than ever. It lasts for up to 48 hours and protects against wetness or odor. It also goes on instantly dry for a much cleaner feel. So don’t feel embarrassed if you’re sweating while your toddler is embarrassing you. At least nobody will tell.
So I hope these tips help you to keep your cool when your toddler is having a tantrum, patience is key. I know it’s thin when you have a toddler, oh trust me I know. Thanks for reading guys and don’t forget to head to your local Walmart and pick up your Degree Dry Spray Deodorant to not only keep cool during those tantrums but cool during the summer too!
Happy sweat-free-tantrum-taming! 🙂
Degree UltraClear Black + White Antiperspirant Deodorant Dry Spray Product Page here.
Right now Checkout 51 has a deal where you can get $1.50 cash back on the Degree Women Dry Spray! Checkout 51 is a free grocery savings app helping millions of families save each week on the brands they love. The app is available in English, French & Spanish
check it out here.
Haha Ivy is definitely going to have to prepare a speech for the academy haha too cute ! Great tips 🙂
Haha Ivy is definitely going to have to prepare a speech for the academy haha too cute ! Great tips 🙂
Great tips. I'm sure I'm going to need them soon as my son is getting more stubborn and opinionated everyday.
lol I did not even tell her to do that I swear, shes my wild one ha.
Yes keeping my cool is very important. It's crazy to see how opinionated they become and they get older. 🙂
Great tips because lawd knows toddlers and their tempers can test you
I’ll have a toddler on my hands soon and my son is already throwing forts at 8 months. This was so helpful and the video was so fun!
Great tips because lawd knows toddlers and their tempers can test you
Thanks so much Najah 🙂
They test you to your soul ha.
that toddler pic is amazing! what creative content! well done 🙂
Thank you 🙂