Last weekend Ivy had her annual dance recital. This is Ivy’s second dance recital and shes only 4 years old. Over the last two weeks, it was really challenging. Her dad and I both had to take turns taking her to 4-hour rehearsals twice a week, on top of working full time. Ivy never once complained and she did so amazingly during every single rehearsal. Needless to say when recital day came we were all very excited as a family to see all of Ivy’s hard work come to life.
Ivy’s recital had a start time of 3:00 but the dancers and gymnast had to be there by 1:30. I dropped her off and went back home to grab Aria and Dayjhan. Once we got there we parked, met up with Ivy’s grandparents and found our seats. One of the things I loved most about this recital was we were able to pre-ordered our tickets weeks in advance. So we did not have to show up early, wait in line or rush to find our seats.
The recital was 3 hours long and Ivy had two performances. One performance was in the first hour called “baby take a bow“. It was so freaking cute. The little ones wore black tights, a little shirt that looked like a tuxedo and an adorable hat. It was a song originally sung by Shirley Temple and man was it cute.
Her second performance was in the last hour and called “ballet swan“. In this one, they dressed the girls like little swans in all white with a little feather headpiece. Words cannot describe all the feels I felt seeing Ivy in her little swan so costume. Way too much cuteness to handle.
During the performance, there was a location right under the stage where the family could go take up close photos of their little’s. I had never seen this at a recital before. I thought that idea was really neat. The location was low so it didn’t block the views of people who had front row seats either. Once the recital was over and they released the kids to us we met up outside the auditorium.
It was outside where we showered our Ivy with so many gifts, hugs, kisses, and of course a ton of photos. We expressed how proud of her we were and what a great job she did. We told her how much of a star she was and how much we love her. Ivy was as my dad said “glowing” she was so happy. After the show, Dayjhan and I took the girls for pizza and headed home. I am so glad that the recital is over and so proud of Ivy. I can’t wait to show her this blog post one day so she can see how hard she worked at only the young age of 4. We love you Ivy Rose. Our little ballerina, go ahead and take a bow.
Congratulations IVY I know u did amazing!!
Congratulations IVY I know u did amazing!!
I am very I am very proud of Ivy as well as you Porsha you are a absolute piller for your girls which is going to be extremely important as they get older.Ivy did an amazing job and I was glad to be a part of it thank you for allowing me to. Hugs and kisses…
I am very I am very proud of Ivy as well as you Porsha you are a absolute piller for your girls which is going to be extremely important as they get older.Ivy did an amazing job and I was glad to be a part of it thank you for allowing me to. Hugs and kisses…