It’s June so you know what that means, school is ending and graduations are happening, and in this case, it was graduation time for my sweet little Ivy Rose.
Lets be real she is heading right back to Preschool next year so it’s not like it was a actual graduation but more like a promotion. Nevertheless, our whole family was so excited about the day and our girl. The morning of Ivy’s promotion she woke up so excited, I’m not sure if she was more excited about her promotion or the last day of school.
She had some eggs for breakfast made by her nani, I dressed her down in her brand new outfit, and her aunt did her hair. Yes, this little one got the five-star treatment for her day. We ended up getting to her school a little bit early. I had got Ivy a brand new Disney Princess tea set from Target a week prior which I actually let her open once we got to the school. She had her tiny eyes on it for a while she liked it a lot. I did not want her to lose any pieces so we put it away and, her and Aria enjoined playing together on the play structures. Let me tell you trying to keep two toddlers clean on play structures for a special occasion isn’t an easy task. But mama got it done.
Once the rest of our family arrived at the school and they started letting everyone in the cafeteria we found some seats close to the front and got comfortable. A few minutes later Ivy and her class came in. Ivy was a star on her own, right in the center of her class she stood out in her little flower dress not to mention the cute little flower clip in her hair (shout out to my friend Jackie for letting us borrow that). Her class sang a few super heartwarming songs and then Ivy’s teacher gave out some awards to the parents/grandparent helpers. Ivy’s nani even won an award! in the end, they started calling out all the little one’s names and had them stand up and wave. Oddly, they forgot to call Ivy’s name. But dad to the rescue! He ran to the stage super fast and whispered their mistake to them, then they called Ivy’s name. Pretty weird uh? Ivy didn’t seem to care she stood up, smiled and waved like all her other classmates had.
Once her promotion was done we took a bunch of photos and headed out to eat. After lunch, Dayjhan wanted to take the girls to Toys R Us so Ivy could pick out a gift. Of course, Aria had to have something too. Our Toys R Us here closes in a few weeks (check out the blog post here).
Every accomplishment is a reason to celebrate! What an awesome day!
Aw so exciting to celebrate milestones with our children ! These pics were so sweet. Congratulations Ivy!
Aw so exciting to celebrate milestones with our children ! These pics were so sweet. Congratulations Ivy!
Oh the milestones celebrate them all! These photos are adorable.
Oh the milestones celebrate them all! These photos are adorable.