We are only a few days away from Mothers Day and while flowers from the hubby and home made Pintrest mothers day cards from the little ones are nice, sometimes we often loose sight of why we actually celebrate. Today I have teamed up with 36 different mothers from all back grounds (37 including myself) of life with kids of all ages. I have challenged each of these mothers by asking them one question.
“what does it mean to be a mom to you?“. Oh yeah and did I mention they could only answer the question with one sentence. That’s right, one sentence to explain this amazing, crazy, wild, beautiful thing we call motherhood. Huge thank you!! to all these beautiful mamas who participated in this post. So without further a duo what does it mean to be a mom to us in one sentence.
Being a mom to Ivy & Aria is the biggest blessing ever, it’s like going shopping at Target and finding a million dollar winning lottery ticket.
Being a mom is giving up things you love, such as sleep and Kit Kats, for the ones you love.
Being a mom means always sharing your personal space with sweet tiny humans.
Being a mother to me, truly is having your heart and soul walking around outside of your body.
Motherhood is late nights early mornings and lots of love in between.
Being a mom means seeing the strengths you didn’t know you had.
To be a mom means to be the strongest superhero on the planet, but your babies are your kryptonite.
Being a mom means loving harder than I could have ever imagined while my son shows me the little things that we overlook or don’t take the time to appreciate.
Being a mom means knowing I always have two rainbows rain or shine!
Being a mom means TEACHING YOUR KID ABOUT THE WORLD, (like how to brush their teeth and where babies come from) BUT YOUR KID TEACHES YOU THE MEANING IF LIFE (like what true unconditional love truly means).
Through thick and thin,the greatest love and happiness is being your mom.
Being a mother is the hardest, most draining, anxiety inducing blessing ever, I would chose never sleeping again to keep these moments.
Motherhood is the greatest adventure I’ve ever been blessed to live…ups and downs but such a beautiful journey.
Being a mom is living with your heart outside your chest.
Being a mom has questioned every aspect of my life from my patience to my intelligence. Motherhood…. it’s hard but it’s sooooo worth it!
Children are the greatest gift the universe can give you, they will remind you of all the possibilities and opportunities the world has to offer you, and will make you the most kindest version of yourself.
Motherhood means having the utmost faith in God as you watch your hopes, dreams and all of your heart run, play and grow before your very eyes.
Motherhood is watching your heart live outside of your body.
Being a mom is having a 24 hour job that leaves your body and mind exhausted, your heart full and your life full of joy!
Being a mother is like having my heaven on earth feeling remarkably privileged fearless.
Being a mom means unconditionally loving someone before you have even met.
To me motherhood means guiding your little ones to be the best versions of themselves.
Being a mother can be exhausting and challenging, but it’s the most beautifully rewarding experience and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
What does it mean to be a mom to me is loving and knowing a soul before you even see them.
It means wearing an imaginary cape 24/7, enduring so much at one time and being rewarded with unconditional love from little people who CHOSE you to return the same unconditional love!
Mom Life, the ability to feel FABULOUS & EXHAUSTED at the same exact time!
A mom is about being selfless and realizing nothing is about you anymore, it’s all about the babies.
Being a mom means having a lifetime of adventure and learning with three little people I never imagined could have a hold on my heart and soul like they do!
Being a mom is experiencing the world around me with fresh eyes.
If there was EVER any way to put it simply, being a mother is every joy I’ve ever had in life, & then some.
Being a mom is being strong for them, when you are weak.
One sentence isn’t enough to describe what being a mother is but if that’s all I got .. being a mother is the greatest love/accomplishment I’ll receive in my lifetime.
The best way I can describe being a mom is having tiny pieces of myself and my heart floating out there in the world.
Being a mom means never going to bed lonely.
What does it mean to be a mom? It’s being able to nurture, care and guide your child into the person they are meant to be, it’s a hard job but the most fulfilling role I’ve had the honor of accepting.
To me, being a mother means getting to see all the possibility in the world through your children’s eyes. Being a mother means to be fearless!
Being a Mom is just…. Love.
Happy Mothers Day! 🙂
Thanks for letting me be apart of this! Loved it! You mamas are amazing ❤
This was beautiful thanks for including me ❤️All you ladies are amazing moms!!!
I am so happy to be apart of this.Such a special blog! I love every single mothers sentence because they are all true and it takes a village to raise a child.
Such a great post! Definitely not easy to sum it up in just one but these ladies and yourself have done a great job!
What a beautiful post. Love it. Being a Mum is a dream come true and the completion of my soul.
Thanks for letting me be apart of this! Loved it! You mamas are amazing ❤
What a lovely post for Mother's Day. It's so amazing to see all different types of mothers doing what they do best and loving it!
This was beautiful thanks for including me ❤️All you ladies are amazing moms!!!
I am so happy to be apart of this.Such a special blog! I love every single mothers sentence because they are all true and it takes a village to raise a child.
Such a great post! Definitely not easy to sum it up in just one but these ladies and yourself have done a great job!
What a beautiful post. Love it. Being a Mum is a dream come true and the completion of my soul.
Love this! OMG us women are amazing ❤️❤️
I love this so much, such a dope idea! Beautiful. xo jalyssa
Hi Jalyssa 🙂 thanks a bunch for reading.
Hi Katie, it's pretty neat right? Thanks so much for reading 🙂