See what happened was it began with just a light sprinkle early Monday that then turned into huge rain showers, and hail seconds after that. Tons and tons of hail.. I did not have a jacket on and happened to be outside when it started to hail grabbing lunch with my husband. Any who, snow pellets aka soft hail aka what we call snow then started forming. It covered areas of Sacramento, Natomas and mid town. Needless to say this was very exciting for us. We don’t get this sort of weather hence the pajamas and rain boots.
I took my girls and my niece to the park (shout out to my friend Maria for the heads up on where to find the good snow) to play in and man did they have a good time. They continuously kept saying “Elsa did this!” it was so cute. I made them stay off the actually playground as best as I could because it was super slippery and I didn’t want them to fall or get hurt.
My niece Parisah had been to the snow before along with Ivy. Ivy doesn’t remember because she was only a few months old. Aria had never been to the snow before. I am so glad this is another amazing memory I got to make with my girls. One day I want to take them up to the mountains for some real snow. But for now this was great.