Hi guys!
Ever heard of Vivora? What is it exactly?
Is it a seat? Is it a exercise ball? It is a home decor piece?
What in the world is a Vivora?
Vivora is here! I received mine in the mail and I was shocked. My Vivora came in this tiny little box. Vivora is huge so I was expecting this big box. But that was okay I ripped it open and there it was. Mine was a beautiful gray color and it had a even more beautiful gray cover for it as well. At the bottom of the box there was a pump. I laid it all out on the floor, my Vivora, the cover and the directions. I started pumping it up and it only too me a few seconds. There it was, it really was huge and even more awesome in person. I loved it. Oops I just realized I never even told you guys what Vivora is. Okay sorry lets rewind a little bit.
Vivora is a stylish sitting ball. That not only looks good in your home but also helps your body. The Vivora sitting ball can not only be used to sit on but can be used to workout with as well. Yes your reading this correctly a piece of furniture that doubles as a exercise ball. Vivora is great for anywhere! You can use it at home or even at work. Vivora will look great in your home. Your company will come over everyone will want to take that seat. It is made very lightweight which is great for toting around. Plus it comes with a handle for easy grabbing. If you wanna put your Vivora in the trunk of your car and head to the park to do some yoga like I did you can! Did I mention its good for your back? Sitting on a Vivora ball engages your lower body muscles. This in return will encourage proper posture, strengthen and give relief to your back. The Vivora comes in the Niko or Luno addition. They even make cute ball covers for your little’s too.
Stop reading this post because you know that you want one. I could go on and on about Vivor all day but I wont. Because if I do you’ll never have enough time to go purchase your own! So instead of taking a seat take a Vivora.
Thank you Vivora for our seat.
(I received these products for review, but all opinions are my own.)
(This is a sponsored post by Vivora.)
I've never heard of this before but it sounds intriguing!
I've never heard of this before but it sounds intriguing!