Que the drums! Que the Beyonce! Que the girls!
Who are we? What do we run? The world! Who run the world?
You guys know me I am always on the look out for fun, and fashionable clothes for my girls. I love buying them things you cant find at your local department stores! Because I love unique items for them and I love supporting small shops as well. So when I came across a small shop called Smarty Girl, I was very curious about the name and brand I had to get to know more about it.
Smarty Girl is a shop that was created by a mom named Emille and inspired by her sweet little girl named Sofie Lou. While shopping for Sofie, Emille realized that she while all the girly girl prints and patterns in the girl section we’re cute there was nothing really boyish for girls or tom girls. You see Sofie loves airplanes. But there was nothing in the store for little girls that had air planes on it. Tired of the boys having all the fun Emille decided she wanted to do something about it. Light bulb over the brain and the smarty Girl brand was formed!
Emille deiced to create boyish designs for little girls, but not only to look fashionable. Smarty Girl brand is so much more. Smarty Girl brand is a brand to inspire little girls to not only be cute but smart! Smarty Girl make leggings with designs on them of things like dinosaurs, science. math, engineering, bugs, sharks, airplanes and technology. So our girls can see, hey these aren’t all boys subjects! “If you wanna go hop on your dinosaur to hitch a ride to the airport to fly your plane full of insect passengers to your job at the lab as a scientist you can!” And you can do it rocking your cute pink leggings while doing too.
Smarty Girl isn’t anti flowers, or hearts or anti girly. Smarty Girl is a brand designed to let little girls know they can be anything and achieve anything that they want! Any brand with such a empowering message behind it is a brand that I will always stand for and behind. I want Ivy and Aria to grow up knowing that they are just as smart and powerful as boys. I never want them to feel like because they are girls they cannot do things that boys can. I love the Smarty Girl brand for creating such a product to mold our little girls into little women. Thank you Smarty Girl not only for the leggings but the message behind them. If you have little girls check their website out today!

Thank you, Porsha! This made my day…no, my week, okay maybe my month!
Emilee Palomino
Smarty Girl
aw I'm so glad thank you 🙂