Hi guys!
happy February 1. Jeez! that first month of 2018 just flew by right? Now here we are in February a month of new opportunities, new goals, new adventures and new fun events. You know what I’m most excited for in the month of February? Black history month! I love all the soul food, the events on the weekends, documentaries and even the books. I think the books are my most favorite part about black history month. I think the books are a great way to teach our kids about black history month and being black and proud. Especially books with photos because our kids are so small and don’t always understand whats going on. So this month I am going to teach my girls about all things black history and all things African American related I am going to do so with books. In this post I am giving you guys my top 6 picks for kids for black history month enjoy!
1. Mae Among The Stars
In this book Mae a little girl dreams of being the first African american girl in space. With big hopes and dreams Mae is determined to go to space. I totally want to buy this book, what a awesome goal.
You can buy it HERE.

2. Little Leaders Blog Women In Black History
This book features some of the greatest African american woman heroes, leaders and so much more. Explore this book and read all about the journeys and tribulations they went through. By the way isn’t the cover the cutest?
you can buy it HERE.

3. Chocolate Me
In this book written by super star actor Taye Diggs, a little boy is teased for his skin color and hair only to find out he is special because he is different. This book has a great message for your little’s.
You can buy it HERE.

4. I Am Rosa Parks
We all know the story and bravery of Rosa Parks in this book it tells the story in a way younger kids can understand. This book is very adorable and informative.
You can buy it HERE.

5. Hair Like Mine
This book is a little girl doesn’t like her hair, it’s curly and different from all the other little girls. On the journey to find someone like her she learns a valuable lesson. The girl in this book was so cute she reminded me of my Ivy.
You can buy HERE.

6. I Like Myself
This book teaches young kids to love everything about themselves from their crzay hair to their toes and everything in between. This book is such sweet.
You can buy it HERE.
Each book is available to buy on Amazon. You can also check out your local libraries for this and many more black history related books as well. Happy reading guys! and Happy black history month.