Ever since Christmas has been over getting my family back on our regular schedules have been a total drag. It’s so hard getting back into our bed time routine, getting Ivy up for school in the morning, back to ballet and full time days at work. It has seriously been so crazy. We have barley had any time family time together. So
driving to work one morning listing to my local radio station I decided to take a chance and play a game. I’m not going to go into to much details about the game but basically I had 10 seconds to name 5 random items and I won! I was super excited because I won tickets to the Monster Jam monster tuck show in the city. Me and my husband had been before a few years post parenthood. So we had no doubt this was going to be interesting.
When we got there we went through security, got our tickets scanned in and found our seats. We shared some nachos to eat and got comfortable. The trucks were really huge and loud. I was sort of nervous prior to coming because I thought the girls might be scared but they were fearless. They had a blast! When the trucks roared and did jumps they screamed and clapped and jumped up and down. They pointed a lot and had questions about what was going on at times. Like when the trucks flipped over. But overall they had a great time. Iām really happy we got to spend time together as a family and it was free so win-win. Anytime that I get to spend with my husband and our girls is a good time to me. I hope everybody has a happy weekend.