Hi guys!
do you like music? I do like all types of music, although my favorite is pop. I love rocking out to rock though feeling like a rock star. Hmm although I do love to pretend like I’m a bad ass rapper when I’m listen to hip hop. Oh but wait I love singing with accent when I’m jamming to county. I don’t know you guys I really cant decided. But you know what that’s okay because one things for sure I love music period. I listen to music every day so of course I had to have some nice headphones to rock out with right?
Hello Riwbox. Riwbox are some really cool fold-able headphones. Built with a microphone and volume control they are all you need when you want some music in your ears. Riwbox has a strong low bass so you can really feel the music you’re listen to. They are designed with soft elastic and metal that is beautifully reflective.
When people see you with these bad boys on your ears you can bet their first thought will be luxury. I really like using my Riwbox when I’m working out in the gym or relaxing in the house. My husband loves to steal them from me every single chance he gets. He uses them while hes doing house hold chores and he also really enjoys them when hes playing with his PS4. He hooks them up to his controller when he wants to play his game. My oldest daughter enjoys Riwbox when she is watching Youtube kids on her ipad.
shout out to my husband for being my sexy model.
Riwbox is great for the entire fam bam. Thank you Riwbox for the headphones!
You can check out Riwbox HERE.
You can check out Riwbox HERE.
(I received this product for review, but all opinions are my own.)
(This is a sponsored post from Riwbox.)