When me and my girls first received our Osmo in the mail it was in a huge box. We were super excited! we had no idea what to except. We had heard a lot of great things about Osmo though and wanted to be able to try it out for ourselves. We opened the box and it was a huge monster on the front the girls screamed with excitement they were already ready to rip the plastic right off this thing. Unboxing our Osmo we found a board to draw on. The front was a white board, and the back was wood like. Continuing pulling things out of the box like mad women we also discovered a red square to place on top of the iPad (which is like a mini camera), eraser towel, five different vibrant colored markers, and a fuzzy blue pouch to put them all inside. Last but not least was a base which is the center of Osmo. The base is what you use to attach your iPad or iPhone too, In our case iPad. We grabbed one of our iPad airs and placed it on the base. We then went to our app store and scrolled through a few Osmo games which we wanted to download for play. Finally it was time to have some fun with Osmo!
Now what exactly is Osmo you ask? Well Osmo is an interactive hands on game system for children to not only learn but play with. Your kids will have so much playing with Osmo they wont even realize they are actually learning in the process. The Osmo brand was founded in 2013 by Tangible Play Inc when two awesome dudes named Parmod and Jerome, that wanted to create something awesome for the new generation with hands on play. It was then the Osmo was born. Osmo can be used for iPad’s as well as Iphone’s as I mentioned a little bit about above. We play with our iPad’s more, so the iPad base was best for our family. But if you use your Iphone’s more you can play with that too. Osmo comes with three different kits to choose from that are very affordable and includes the Osmo base well.
Osmo come with ten different games, although for children ages 4-12 every child can play. The Osmo has games from things like coding to hot wheel racing, art and numbers there is truly a game for every child’s interest. Our favorite game was the monster game featuring Mo the monster! In this game Mo interacts with the kids by speaking straight to the iPad screen asking them “whats your name?”. Mo then gives the kids options to choose from different adventures to go on. Once your little chooses an adventure Mo then directs them to draw things he will need for the adventure. Once your little draws the picture it then appears on the iPad screen like magic! You can even save the photos you draw. I am totally not gonna lie me and my husband were practically fighting over who got a turn first with this when the girls went to sleep. Ha, but seriously it is so cool the girls loved watching their imaginations literally come to life on the screen they felt like rock stars!
One of the best things about the Osmo is the apps come in over seven different languages. Yes over seven different languages! I know how incredible that is for all our bi lingual babes out there. Another thing is Osmo is even used in school’s which is very neat. Oh and parents I haven’t forgot about ya’ll guess what? With Osmo parents can create an account and manage their child’s online play with customized child profiles, any time, anywhere. We can also engage in online forms with other parents. Say if you have questions about the Osmo, Osmo games or just wanna pick another parents brain we totally can. That is my favorite part about Osmo I love being able to communicate with other parents out there. Oh yeah and did I tell you that Osmo comes with a one year warranty! Go ahead and scream you can thank me later.
At the end of the day rather your child is into pyhiscally actives or technological ones Osmo is the best thing for them. I am so grateful we had the chance to be able to review Osmo. We love our Osmo so much we named it Osmo Carr! Our Osmo is most def a part of the Carr family for life. If you’re looking for a sign to buy one you just got it. I would recommend the Osmo to every single parent out there!
Thank you Osmo for our Osmo set!
You can check out all thing Osmo HERE.
You can read Osmo Q&A HERE.
You can shop Osmo HERE.