Hi guys!
whats going on? me on you know still on cloud 9 from running my first 5k of the year! It was amazing. My official time was 34 minute! I had such a great time I love running. I have been running for a year and a few months now. With the weather sucking I haven’t been able to run outdoors as much as I use too. But I still run the treadmill five days a week at my gym. Running makes me feel so good and energized. The furthest Iv’e ever ran was 13.1 miles for two different half marathons I did and then once just for fun. As much as I love running and exercising I like feeling beautiful when I do. Welcome to the life of Sweat Cosmetics.
Sweat Cosmetics is a make up line created for women like me and you on the go. Sweat Cosmetics is high performing make up that stays on while you’re kicking ass in the gym, running, exercising or just lounging at home. Sweat is obviously sweat resistant and made with SPF protection. Sweat is also made with natural ingredients, cruelty free and wont leave you looking sweaty and oily. This makeup line is seriously the best for active women. When I rocked Sweat durning my race today I wiped my face many times and the makeup never came off. So cool right?
Sweat Cosmetics include:
- foundation.
- Twist brush (which is what I’m wearing).
- Bronzer.
- Towelettes
And so much more! Sweat comes five different shades. The shade I am wearing is
400: For tawny to deep skin.
You can buy the Twist Brush HERE.

I love that their is a makeup brand out there that us woman can wear when getting fit. I had never heard of a brand of makeup like this. A brand of makeup that actually made me feel and look good exercising. That’s one of the moments where most women don’t feel so beautiful and I defiantly felt beautiful while wearing it. Sweat Cosmetics was truly made with the beauty of women in mind. I am so glad I had the pleasure to try it out. I will most def be wearing this in the gym and to all my up coming races this year.
You can check out Sweat Cosmetics. at www.sweatcosmetics.com
You can shop all Sweat Cosmetics HERE.
You can all find Sweat Cosmetics at major retailers like JC Penny & Sephora.
You can all find Sweat Cosmetics at major retailers like JC Penny & Sephora.
Thank you to Sweat Cosmetics for my twist brush.
A photo by the hubby right after my race this morning. Sorry for the sucky quality it was took on a old iPhone.
(I received these products for review, but all opinions are my own.)
(This is a sponsored post by Sweat Cosmetics .)