You guys I had so much fun being able to write this review forĀ Funny Fable Productions. First of all they are the sweetest company to work with. Every staff person on their team deserves a million dollar raise. Secondly they are a very unique company.Ā Funny Fable Productions is a shop who creates things books that are humorous. To constantly remind usĀ that even in the darkest times in life, its okay to still laugh. Read more about the owners very touching storyĀ HERE.
When we received the story entitled “The Tooth fairy Doesn’t Knock” I knew this would be a good one.The Tooth fairy Doesn’t KnockĀ box set comes with the book, the fairy door, & the tooth track poster plus stickers.
In the book the tooth fairy is trying to find creative ways to get inside the house to collect that tooth and leave the kid some cash. My girls thought the book was so funny considering all of the crazy things the tooth fairy goes through to get in the house. The book is not super long which is great for little’s with short attention spans like mine. It also comes with colorful photos for your little’s to follow along with. The fairy door is a adorable tiny door in which the tooth fairy is suppose to come through once your little goes to sleep. My girls went crazy when I explained it to them, they kept asking where is she? when is she coming? It made me feel good watching them light up. The tooth track poster is a huge poster that you can hang on your wall. Every time your little looses a tooth they can take the numbered sticker and add it to the tooth they just lost. I have a 1 and almost 2 year old so obviously they aren’t losing any teeth any time soon. But I do have a 8 year old niece who is currently loosing teeth like crazy she was very happy when I told her she could add the stickers to the poster. If you don’t have this book go get it.
Funny Fable Productions it’s been a pleasure thank you for our book set!
(I received these products for review, but all opinions are my own.)
(This is a sponsored post from Funny Fable Productions.)