Hi guys!
Happy new year, I’m super excited for this year and everything that’s ahead of me. I’m really nervous too but I know that whatever happens will happen and I trust in god and the universe. So kicking the year off right I’m continuing my fitness journey. I wont be young forever so I have to take care of my body it’s my temple. I want to be the best and healthiest version of me I can be for myself and my daughters. My daughters are actually my number one fitness inspirations! Being able to keep up with them running, playing, doing anything with them is very important for me. So a few days ago online I came across a diet called “The Whole 30“.
The whole 30 is a 30 day diet in which you eliminate sugar, soy, dairy, grains and legumes for 30 days. Now after reading this you probably had two thoughts like me. My first thought was “yes this seems cool, I wanna try it!“. A few minutes later my next thought was “what the hell am I’m doing and what the hell am I suppose to eat?” Ha! I know right crazy?
First of all I HATE THE WORD DIET! When I hear that word I kinda wanna crawl under a rock and scream. It’s such a scary word it makes it seem like you are super restricted and have to eat salad all day. Then when you don’t it makes you feel really guilty. So right now in 2018 we are officially retiring the word “diet”. Away with that, bye-bye. We will call it I don’t know a mini food vacation or something. Hello mini food vacation.
Second of all I am a really picky eater. I don’t eat sea food (besides fish). I don’t like 90% of vegetables, and I love sugar. So I’m thinking about this and I’m wondering how, what, when, and where I am going to eat. I work full time, I have two daughters + a husband to take care of, I run a blog, run a house hold. When I am suppose to find time to read (The Whole 30 book I already bought on my kindle), find healthy foods I actually enjoy and meal prep?
Third of all I am scared. Not going to lie I could possibly pee my mom pants. I’m not one to always finish what I start I will be honest.. so right now I’m currently having second thought about this. I really love the idea of The Whole 30, I love the successful before and after photos, I love the thought of treating my temple right but gosh. I love my food. Rather I finish these next 30 days or not, rather I read the entire book or skim a few pages, rather I sneak a doughnut in one morning who knows? But the matter of the fact is I am proud of myself for at least taking this leap of faith. Which is more than other people can say. So here’s to a successful 30 days..
Day.1 starts now, wish me luck.