to part ways with my old Oh Joy diaper bag I’m pretty excited for this new bag I recently purchased.While using my amazon prime I found what felt like a million different diaper bags. Specifically diaper bag back packs, because with two toddlers under three I don’t have a extra hand to hold anything when we’re out and about. My toddler moms of multiples know the struggle. Any who My new diaper bag is made by Qaqadu and it is nothing but amazing! Oh by the way this is NOT a sponsored post. I honestly love this bag from the bottom of my heart, its very light weight and easy to handle. It’s a beautiful color grey, the photos don’t do it justice. Not to mention it’s unisex! I’m a mom of two girls but I always make sure to keep my husband in mind for these kind of things.
Let me give you a quick little over view starting with the back of the bag. Well it comes two straps for easy carrying that are adjustable, also its equipped with a handle if you feel like carrying it. Underneath this there’s a little zipper to store something small in maybe like a granola bar or gum. Now on each side of the bag there’s cup holders that comes with small drawstrings made sure to keep the cups in tact. Moving along to the front there’s a compartment with fashionable buttons where I keep my baby wipes, above that my hand sanitizer hangs (not included), I also store a few bows and hair ties there too. Time for the interior of the bag. The bag comes with a huge diaper changing pad! It has two side pockets where I like to keep my water bottles. Middle of the bag is where my girl’s basic essentials are like a extra pair of clothes. Along the aisle of the inside of the bag is yet another compartment for baby bottles that is super neat because its insulated hooray!.
Above all that is a couple of other storage compartments for miscellaneous items. For me its undies and diapers. So basically if you’re looking for a stylish diaper bag you can rock anywhere, that is also light weight and has an abundant amount of storage, then here it is. This diaper bag by Quqadu only $44.99 and you can buy it on Amazon here.