Hey guys! Yesterday we put the term “lazy Sunday” to shame. We had planned on taking the kids out for dinner but we
ordered a pizza instead. We literally did nothing and I mean nothing all day. Actually we did do one thing. It ended up raining all day yesterday so I thought it would be the perfect time to bring out the girls rain boots. You see a good friend of mine name Latesia had a beautiful pair of Hunter toddler rain boots laying around. They had been her daughters and she only used them a few times before she out grew them. Score!!! we got so lucky not only is Hunter a good brand but they happen to fit Aria perfectly. Then a few days later I got lucky enough to score a pair of Target brand rain boots for Ivy for only $2.00 on Offer Up! I love good deals and the girls loved splashing in the puddles too. Not to bad for a lazy Sunday eh?